Projects and Tasks • An Eljay | Notion Template
A list and a calendar, that's all you'll need
- Fast navigation: A menu callout with links to all the relevant headings sits on top of the page for easy and quick navigation
- Easy brain dumping: The inbox is set on top of the page for easy dumping of all your tasks as they come.
- Simple List: All your tasks laid out in a simple list with only the relevant properties visible.
- Today, Tomorrow, and Next 7 Days Views: Filter your tasks by their due dates to show you which ones you need to complete.
- Priority Board: Assign your tasks their priority in a kanban board view.
- Monthly and Weekly calendar
Story Behind This Template
It was the first week of high school, I was just flooded with all of these deadlines and projects for the coming weeks.
In elementary school, we were required to have a "Homework Notebook" to dump and (hopefully) remember all of our tasks.
I knew right away that this was definitely not gonna cut it for the number of tasks we were assigned in high school, so I decided to create this template.
Since then, I've managed to stay on top and get ahead of all my requirements.
Now if only Math problems could be solved by a Notion template...
Pssst... Before you go, remember to leave a ⭐ 5-star rating on this template!
Have any questions or feedback? Contact me via Twitter DMs @eljaysnotions
You'll get: A Notion page with a system to organize your tasks and projects